Monday, November 22, 2010

Bristol Palin Sorry for Facebook Insults

Bristol Palin Sorry for Facebook Insults

Bristol Palin and her younger sister Willow got themselves in trouble this week when they verbally attacked a Facebook friend who criticized Sarah Palin's new TLC reality show.

Here's what happened: On Sunday night, during the much-watched premiere of Sarah Palin's Alaska, a Facebook user named Tre updated his status to say that the show "is failing soo hard right now." Since Tre is an acquaintance of the Palin girls, Brisol, 20, and Willow, 16, saw the update and took it upon themselves to defend their mom's show. The boy's Facebook wall quickly turned into an all-out teenage war zone, with the Palin girls hurling insults left and right.

Here's one of Bristol's messages to Tre:
You just run your mouth just so you'll get a reaction. You're a typical s**t talker. Talking s**t cause you have nothing else going for. Just like you pretended you didn't know what Dancing With the Stars was.

And here's one of Willow's posts:
Haha your so gay. I have no idea who you are, But what I've seen picutres of, your disgusting... My sister had a kid and is still hot. Tre stfu. Your such a f****t.

The whole thing was pretty offensive and immature on everybody's part. Of course, screencaps of the entire conversation were soon circulating around the internet. Bristol, to her credit, apologized via Facebook on Thursday. Here's what she wrote to her 20,000+ online friends:

Willow and I shouldn't have reacted to negative comments about our family. We apologize. On a nicer note, thank you for supporting the great competition in Dancing with the Stars!

It's always nice to see somebody famous apologize when they did something stupid, instead of using fame as an excuse to get away with it. However, we're disturbed by what's missing from Bristol's apology: an acknowledgement of her sister's homophobic slurs. Willow Palin is hardly the only teen to use "gay" and "f****t" as insults -- but that doesn't make it okay. Right now, in the wake of multiple gay teen suicides, in the middle of a national effort to stop anti-gay bullying, there's simply no excuse for using peoples' sexuality as a weapon against them. And it has nothing to do with politics, or religion, or anybody's personal viewpoints on homosexuality; it's about treating all human beings with respect. Period.

We'd very much like to see Bristol amend her apology to condemn her sister's homophobic language. And Bristol, if you happen to be reading this? Please do as a favor and take a look at this page about sexuality and teen suicide at The Trevor Project. It's not too late to take a stand for human decency.

Share your opinions of Bristol Palin on the iVillage Message Boards!

Do you think the Palins should apologize for using homophobic language? Chime in below!


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