Monday, November 22, 2010

Chloe Moretz Is Thankful For 'Kick-Ass,' Hit-Girl Groupies And Brad Pitt

And we're thankful for her, one of our favorite actors of 2010.
By Josh Horowitz

Chloe Moretz
Photo: Mike Coppola/ FilmMagic

At the beginning of this year, MTV News tagged Chloe Moretz, a little-known young actor whose largest role at that point was in "(500) Days of Summer," as one of the actors in our "10 to Watch in 2010" series.

She didn't disappoint. The 13-year-old blew audiences away as the sword-wielding, bullet-taking badass Hit-Girl in "Kick-Ass." She followed up that comic book adaptation with an intense and mature performance in "Let Me In," in which she played a troubled vampire yearning for a human connection.

It's no surprise, then, that we've now named Moretz as one of the folks we're most thankful for in 2010. MTV News recently sat down for a chat with the teen star, who talked about meeting overly enthusiastic fans, how her family has helped her career and one unforgettable encounter with Brad Pitt.

MTV: You were one of our stars to watch in 2010, and now Thanksgiving time is rolling around very soon. Every year we select the actors we're most thankful for, and you're one of the actors we're most thankful for in 2010.

Chloe Moretz: Really? Wowers! Yayers! Yay-zies?

MTV: Does it feel like it's been a big year for you?

Moretz: It's been huge. "Kick-Ass" and then ["Let Me In"] — it's been absolutely insane.

MTV: What's been the highlight?

Moretz: "Kick-Ass," how big it got. The sheer thought of how much work I put into it and it finally getting so huge. That was insane. I was flabbergasted.

MTV: Were there any moments at red carpets or premieres where you thought, "Wow, this is crazy"?

Moretz: A guy at the London premiere, he had a Hit-Girl costume on — a pink wig and everything. That struck home. That leaves a memory. He was chic.

MTV: Have you run into some fans of yours, or fellow actors, who have come to you and said how impressed they are by your work?

Moretz: Brad Pitt at the afterparty, he was like, "I really like the role of Hit-Girl." And I was like, "What'd Angie think?" No, it was amazing. It was really cool to see someone who is so big and is such a phenomenal actor to recognize my work.

MTV: Who or what are you most thankful for in 2010?

Moretz: My family, of course. Without my family, where would I be? That my mom said yes when I was 6 begging her to let me semi-start the business. Where would I be without my brother Trevor? He's my acting coach.

Thanksgiving is a time for taking stock, expressing gratitude and, most importantly, overeating. We at MTV News have been gorging all year at movie theaters, so it's about time we looked back and gave thanks to our favorite actors and filmmakers of 2010. Enjoy exclusive interviews with our winners all week long.

Check out everything we've got on "Kick-Ass" and "Let Me In."

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