Tuesday, November 23, 2010

'Dancing with the Stars' Gets Threatening Letter. Was Bristol the Target?

'Dancing with the Stars' Gets Threatening Letter. Was Bristol the Target?

Some people take their favorite reality shows way too seriously. On Friday night, the Dancing with the Stars studio was evacuated for an FBI investigation, after producers received a threatening letter containing mysterious white powder. Fortunately, there's no anthrax scare: CBS announced on Saturday that the substance "was determined to be talcum powder." Still, whatever the letter said, the message was strong enough to mobilize the LAPD, the fire department, and the FBI. Was top-three finalist Bristol Palin the intended target?

Palin's success on DWTS, despite being DWTS, Conrad Green, adamantly denies that Bristol's fans are gaming the system.

"There's nothing in the voting system that looks at all strange," he told
People on Friday, after Brandy's controversial elimination. "(Bristol) deserves it. And a significant portion of our viewing audience believes that, too."

We'd imagine that the heated political climate of the country -- and the mere fact that Bristol's last name is Palin -- can largely account for her baffling success on the show. It also accounts for how worked up people are getting about it. In addition to the white-powder scare (which will likely land some hardcore DWTS fan in prison), there was an incident last Monday where a 66-year-old Wisconsin man shot a hole through his television when Bristol appeared.

Obviously, this is just a dance competition, and everybody needs to take a deep breath and chill out. And yet we understand why people are angry: it seems only fair that the best dancer should win. If this year's win comes down to politics instead of skill, DWTS may never be the same again.

Do you think Bristol deserves to be in the top three? Chime in below!

Source: http://www.ivillage.com/dancing-stars-gets-threatening-letter-was-bristol-target/1-a-300397

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